Encouraging Positivity
by Joan Crawford, Deputy Executive Director
Like many of us, I have a morning ritual. I wake up before my alarm clock rings (I’m not sure why I bother to set it each night, except for the fear of over sleeping, which I have not done in more than 20 years), I brush my teeth, I start the coffee, and I turn on the news. I listen to stories of natural disasters, murders, outbreaks of illness, corruption and tweets. I have decided to change my ritual. I worry that my cherished and cultivated optimistic world view is being altered by too much exposure to these kinds of events. In watching the news and scanning social media, I am becoming aware that my perception of the ratio of negativity to positivity in the world is being altered and I need to change that. I have decided to pass on the AM news and listen to Ted Talks with optimistic messages in the morning. I am doing this not only because I want to “feel” better, I actually want to “be” better.
On March 27th, 2017 the New York Times published an article called “Look on the sunny side of life”. It reviewed studies that have shown an indisputable link between having a positive outlook and health benefits like lower blood pressure, less heart disease and healthier blood sugar levels. I want all that. I also want these benefits to last. I spend at least a third of my time working, so my positivity needs to extend past my morning ritual and carry throughout the workday. A positive attitude in the workplace has significant benefits as well.
Barbara Fredrickson, University of North Carolina published a landmark paper about how positive thinking impacts our brains. Her findings suggest that positivity in the workplace enhances our ability to build skills, enhance productivity, improve outcomes, and develop resources that last a lifetime! Optimism influences how we approach our daily work lives and assists us in effectively meeting and mastering challenges in the workplace.
Family Services has long been committed to “Providing Hope, Improving Lives and Strengthening Community”. We approach our work from a strength based perspective, a way of viewing people as resourceful and resilient. This focus helps to create a positive mindset that builds on peoples best qualities, helps find strengths, and assists in building a worldview that is more positive.
I encourage all of you to think about ways in which you can bring more positivity, hopefulness and optimism into your lives and your workplaces.
Here are few ideas to get started:
- Show gratitude – recognize others and say thank you
- Focus on strengths – build others confidence
- Balance negatives – don’t focus on a slight in the meeting, build your inner resilience by focusing on successes
- Acknowledge steps to success – identify and celebrate incremental goals
- Support your team – do your colleagues know you believe in them? Communicate your confidence in your team members
Recent Events
Thank you to all who came out to support Family Services at the Report to the Community Luncheon on Thursday, February 1st at the Poughkeepsie Grand Hotel.
Brian Doyle, CEO of Family Services, discussed our outstanding accomplishments of 2017 and what plans are in store for us in 2018.
Dr. Stephen Bavolek, recognized leader in the fields of child abuse and neglect treatment and prevention as well as parenting education, was the keynote speaker.
Top Left to Right: Dr. Stephen Bavolek, Kerry Eaton, Health Quest Chief Operating Officer, Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney. Bottom Left to Right: Brian Doyle, Family Services CEO & Barbara Jeter-Jackson, Dutchess County Legislator, Brian Doyle, Family Services CEO & Sabrina Jaar Marzouka, Commissioner of Dutchess County Department of Community and Family Services, Richard Mitchell, Esq., Family Services Board Chair.
The Family Services’ Family Education Program held a graduation for its participants in the Parenting Journey group on December 13th. Parenting Journey is an opportunity for parents to be nurtured and to develop as nurturing people, capable of making responsible and informed choices in rearing their children.The FEP team and program participants were joined by guests and the NEXIS team from Ulster County Department of Social Services (UCDSS). Participants lit a unity candle and walked down the hallway for the graduation march with their graduation caps.

On Friday, February 2nd, the Family Partnership Center hosted a Naturalization Ceremony where 145 people from 56 different countries were sworn in as US Citizens. The auditorium was filled with family, friends, and members of our community and government to congratulate and celebrate them.

Family Services’ “Youth Services Corner”
On January 20th, Family Services’ Teen Resource Activity Center (TRAC) held its second annual MLK Peace & Love Basketball Tournament and Community Day. The event took place in the Family Partnership Center Gymnasium and Cafeteria.
During this event, children and families enjoyed basketball and music by a DJ, participated in the Child ID Safety Program, ate pizza and ice cream, and had access to multiple community resource tables.
Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Peace is not merely a distant goal we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal.” “The MLK Peace & Love Tournament brings our community together for an event the whole family will enjoy and supports the great talent of our city youth” said Jessica Wallach, Youth Services Coordinator.

By the Numbers
The Wellness & Morale Committee of Family Services collected
hats, gloves and scarves to distribute to those in need of a little warmth
during these cold months.

Upcoming Events

Leadership Partner

Family Services’ 2017
Leadership Partner
Leadership Team
Brian Doyle
Chief Executive Officer
Joan Crawford
Deputy Executive Director
Natalie Borquist
Chief Financial Officer
Leah Feldman
Director of Center for Victim Safety and Support
Christopher Pels
Director of Human Resources and Risk Management
Whitney Humphrey
Director of Development
Martina Kardol
Director of Forensic Programs
Amy Cole
Director of Family Support Services
Our Partners at the Family Partnership Center
Born Again Disciples (B.A.D.)
Community Voices Heard
Dutchess County Behavioral & Community Health
Dutchess Community College
Dutchess County Healthy Families
Dutchess Outreach
Flores Chiropractic Group NY
Hudson River Community Health Care
Hudson River Housing
Hudson Valley Mental Health
John Flowers Community Events
Mental Health America-Mel’s Place
Nobody Leaves Mid-Hudson
Planned Parenthood
Prime Health Choice
R.E.A.L. Skills Network, Inc.
Rebuilding Our Children and Community
Sadie Peterson Delaney African Roots Library
845-452-6088 ext. 3343