Community Safety

Community Safety

Family Services works with individuals who have a history of gun-related, domestic violence, or aggression in their relationships in order to help them learn a healthier approach to the people in their lives and communities. Our programs increase awareness of how belief systems and personal histories can lead to violence, giving these individuals the knowledge and skills to make the changes in their lives that make our communities safer.

Domestic Violence Offender Project (DVOP)

In 2019, the City of Poughkeepsie Police Department reported 560 domestic violence incidents about 83% (465 of 560) of those calls were intimate partner violence. Intimate partner violence is an enormous problem; it ranks among

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SNUG is an evidence-based street outreach program based on the Cure Violence Model in Chicago, which treats gun violence like a disease by identifying its causes and interrupting its transmission. The program focuses on youth

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