Are You Experiencing Stress?
By Robin Peritz
Vice President for Behavioral Health
- feelings of constant worry or anxiety
- feelings of being overwhelmed
- difficulty concentrating
- mood swings or changes in your mood
- irritability or having a short temper
- difficulty relaxing
- eating more or less than usual
- changes in your sleeping habits
- using alcohol, tobacco, or drugs to relax
- aches and pains, particularly muscle tension
- feelings of nausea or dizziness

Program Spotlights
Behavioral Health Centers
by Kahli Mercik, Center Director Beacon Behavioral Health Center
- Trauma Informed
- Hopeful
- Individual and/or family-driven
- Empowering and strength-based
- Designed to help people achieve their most important and meaningful goals.
Teen Resource Activity Center
By Stacey Greenberg, Associate Director of Youth Services and
Outcomes Management
The youth who come to our program seek opportunities to express their creativity and knowledge, and asked for activities that are centered around music production and becoming entrepreneurs. To provide this resource for youth, TRAC was recently awarded $10,000 from the City of Poughkeepsie to create a music studio and purchase top of the line studio equipment including iMac computers, Ableton Love 10, Logic, Garage Band, Pro Tools and Mainstage. Youth have the opportunity to learn the skills necessary to create and edit music in a professional studio setting, using professional studio equipment.
Students enjoy creating their own songs, albums, and music videos. They write their own music score and lyrics and perform their own vocals. They learn how to put it all together into a completed song and many youth eventually want to create a full-length album. As often as possible, staff have brought in Poughkeepsie residents to help youth with production – local artists who have “made it” and are willing to share their success stories with youth for inspiration.
In our separate podcast studio, youth are able to promote their work and build networks with peers and professionals in the field. Our music program benefits youth as they gain early exposure to possible career choices. It provides artistic and creative outlets for youth to explore and discover healthy ways to express themselves and be productive.

A Look Back
Pinwheels for Prevention
Pinwheels for Prevention takes place every April to raise awareness about child abuse and educate communities on how to promote healthy child development. This year, Family Services’ Sexual Assault Response Team (SART), After the Bell (ATB), and Family Education Programs (FEP) participated in Pinwheels for Prevention.
Pinwheels represent the happy and carefree childhoods that all children deserve. They are a reminder that we all play a role in children’s lives. Children who are raised with safe, stable, and nurturing relationships and environments are more academically and financially successful and grow up to be productive, contributing members of their communities.
Garden of Hope
Throughout the United States, Crime Victims’ Rights Week is celebrated in April to honor individuals who have been victimized and acknowledge the professionals who serve them. This year, Family Services’ Center for Victim Safety and Support (CVSS) joined the rest of the country in celebrating this special week with activities from April 18-24.
During Crime Victims’ Rights Week, Family Services staff planted a Garden of Hope outside of the Family Partnership Center Annex to serve as a symbol of hope to survivors, letting them know they are not alone as we all continue to grow together. Special thanks to Aliviana and Girl Scouts Heart of the Hudson, Inc. Troop 10122 for their support as it helped purchase mulch and beautiful flowers.
Sexual Assault Awareness Month
During the month of April, Family Services Center for Victim Safety and Support and the Sexual Assault Response Team was excited to partner with local libraries in recognition of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Libraries throughout the Hudson Valley shared books that highlight sexual assault and survivors, while providing information about ways to access help within the community.
Participating libraries included the East Fishkill Community Library, Hyde Park Free Library, Poughkeepsie Public Library District (PPLD), Millbrook Library, and Pleasant Valley Free Library. We thank them for their partnership as we continue to raise awareness within our community!
Thank you Marshall & Sterling, Feed The Children and Dutchess Outreach
Last month, Marshall & Sterling Insurance and Feed the Children worked together to coordinate a huge effort to provide food and hygiene items to 400 families in our community! With additional help from the team at Dutchess Outreach, many families in our community, including clients of Family Services, were able to stock their pantries!
Every day Family Services’ SNUG team works tirelessly with participants to reduce gun violence in Poughkeepsie through conflict medication, crisis intervention, and employment readiness. They never forget that it is important to have fun together too! Last Month SNUG staff and participants had a great time (and a lot of laughs) at a community skating event.
Upcoming Events
Now more than ever, our community must
come together in support of our neighbors
On Wednesday May 19th, Family Services is participating in Hudson Valley Gives, a 24-hour day of giving designed to inspire our community to give where we live. In times of crisis, essential organizations like Family Services are needed more than ever.
In these challenging times, we are focused on our vision of stronger, safer communities where everyone has the opportunity to lead their best lives. Our services have evolved to meet the needs of families in our community and we will continue to develop programming that helps our neighbors as challenges arise. Whether it is reaching victims through new and innovative partnerships, supporting clients through mental health crises, or providing opportunities for youth, Family Services is here when you need us.
When you give on May 19th, your gift goes even further by increasing our chances of winning cash prizes that will support more of our work. If you can’t wait until May 19th to support Family Services, that is OK—you are able to donate through our website today.
We invite you to save the date for our Family of the Year Awards Dinner on Thursday July 29th as we look forward to honoring Don and Jill Veith and the Ruge Family for the many ways they have contributed to our community. The event, to be held in the Outdoor Tent at the Grandview in Poughkeepsie or you can join us virtually.
To purchase your tickets or learn how your business can be involved in the celebration through sponsorship or auction donation, please click the links below. We look forwarding to seeing you on July 29th.
Join Our Family Tree
By joining our Family Tree, you are supporting our vision of stronger, safer communities where our neighbors have access to critical resources when they need it most.
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Family Services’ 2021 Leadership Partner